ISTARA ( ISTEAD RISE ACTIVE RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION) was founded in 1996 to encourage people of retirement age from Istead Rise and surrounding area’s to meet, plan and organise a variety of activities for members.
The Association meets at 2 pm once a month at the Memorial Hall, Lewis Road, Istead Rise. The format of the monthly meetings is:- details of forthcoming events and general business; a talk by an external speaker which in the past has covered subjects such as the experiences of a Hover Craft pilot to the reminiscences of a belly dancer. After the speaker tea/coffee and biscuits are served and the meeting ends with a raffle.
We currently have around 120 members of whom some 80 regularly attend meetings. Membership for the current year costs £20 per person.
The Association has a committee of 12 with posts of Chairman; Secretary; treasurer and others to help with the organisation and administration. The committee meets once a month.
Amongst regular activities, we have a lunch club; bowls section; games afternoon and the Istara singers. We also organise short break holidays; day trips; theatre visits; river/canal trips; quiz nights; and a Christmas lunch and social. Activities are not restricted to those mentioned and any suggestions will be acted upon if there is sufficient interest.
Active retirement clubs exist throughout the UK and Istara is affiliated to Kentara, who are the umbrella Association for clubs in Kent.